Frequently Asked Questions

Will dentures help me to eat more easily?

New Dentures will improve your bite and are sharper than worn-down teeth, so this will provide a better chewing function.

Do I have to remove my dentures at night?

Not necessarily. Dentures only need to be taken out at night if they cause discomfort or if you suffer from a fungal infection called Denture Stomatitis. However, if you prefer to remove the dentures, there’s no harm in doing this.

Can I add a tooth to my denture?

Teeth can be added in most cases, although it’s best to check this with your dental prosthetist. Some additions may be more complex and may require more time to complete.

Will my dentures look natural?

Yes, the dentures have a natural appearance. The skill in making them like this is to avoid the ‘piano look’, so people don’t know that they’re false.

Will my dentures improve my appearance?

Yes - new dentures will improve lip posture, facial muscle support and your smile.

How long does it take to get used to new dentures?

This will vary from person to person and will depend on the degree of changes made compared to the old denture. However, as a general guide, about four to six weeks is a good indication.